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Custom Ring of Light OXFP9000

Custom Ring of Light OXFP9000

Regular price $14.99 USD
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The OXFP9000 is a replacement Front Panel (Ring of light board) for the original xbox created by Mancloud and Mi213

It allows you to set custom LED colors for the Green, Orange and Red leds as well as customize the LED brightness. 


You will need to desolder the original connector on the your stock ROL board and solder it to the OXFP9000. 

An extra wire is needed supply 5v to the OXFP9000.

You'll need to bridge either j1 or j2 jumpers to set the board for Data Series or Parallel. 


Hold the SW1 button to cycle between the Options.

option 1 - Green (Choose which color you want in place of the green leds)

option 2 - Red (Choose which color you want for the red leds)

option 3- Orange (Choose which color you want for the orange leds)

option 4 - Set the brightness 

Push button once more to store your settings. 


Installation and showcase video


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